Gr 6.3 Verb. Tingiv kõneviis. Conditional
Kirjeldus, näpunäited ja õpetus

Verb. Conditional Mode

The conditional mode has the present and perfect forms.

The present conditional is formed from the stem of the 1st person present indicative by adding the marker -ks and the personal ending, which is optional.
lugema, lugeda, loen > loeksin

ma loeks/in ~loe/ks    me loe/ks/ime ~loe/ks
sa loe/ks/id ~loe/ks  te loe/ks/ite ~loe/ks
ta loe/ks nad loe/ks/id ~loe/ks

The neg. form of the present cond.: ei + present stem + ks

The conditional expresses activity that would happen only on certain conditions.
E.g. Kui ma saaksin rikkaks, ostaksin endale maja.

The conditional can also express a polite request, wish or suggestion.
E.g. Ma sooviksin osta lennukipiletit.