Gr 9.4 Sõnamoodustus. Word Formation
Kirjeldus, näpunäited ja õpetus

Word Formation
Adjectival Suffixes

The adjectival suffix -ne is added to the noun stem. Derivatives with the suffix -ne commonly denote:
a) contact with a substance, or inclusion of a substance
viha, viha, viha > vihane
veri, vere, verd > verine

b) measurement
aasta, aasta, aastat > aastane

The suffix -line is usually added to the noun stem. The meaning of derivatives depends mostly on the base word:
a) commonly denotes the presence of a physical feature
lill, lille, lille > lilleline

b) denotes connection to a field or area
ajalugu, ajaloo, ajalugu > ajalooline

1) The derivational base is the noun. The suffix -lik denotes:
a) similarity to the base word, referring to the similar character, behaviour and nature
naine, naise, naist > naiselik
b) being characteristic to a field or area, or belonging to somebody or something
pidu, peo, pidu > pidulik 

2) The derivational base is the verb.
The activity of the verb denotes being characteristic or inherent to somebody or something.
lõpetama > lõplik

The suffix -tu is added to nouns and verbs. These adjectival derivatives denote the lack of what the base word denotes.
õnn, õnne, õnne > õnnetu

1) noun + -kas
These derivatives denote a bigger quantity or abundance of the quality expressed by the base word.
edu, edu, edu > edukas

2) adjective + -kas
These derivatives denote that the quality is present less than to an average degree.
punane > punakas

Prefix eba-
Estonian has one prefix, -eba. The prefix -eba is usually added to the adjective; it denotes antonymy
aus > ebaaus