Gr 8.1 ma-infinitiivi käändelised vormid. Kaudne kõneviis. ma-infinitive forms. Quotative
Kirjeldus, näpunäited ja õpetus

Forms of the -ma infinitive:

The -ma infinitive has five declinable forms: the -ma, -mas, -mast, -maks and -mata form.

-ma infinitive (where (in)to?), e.g. Lähen suusatama. ('I am going to skiing.')

-mas form (where in?), e.g. Ta on suusatamas. ('He is skiing.')

-mast form (from where?), e.g. Ta tuleb varsti suusatamast. ('He/she will soon be back from skiing.')

-maks form (to do what?), e.g. Sõitsin Tartuse, astumaks ülikooli. ('I drove to Tartu, in order to go to the university.)

-mata form (without what?), e.g. Ma ei saa elada söömata. ('I can not live without eating.')

Quotative Mode

The quotative has two tenses, the present and the perfect. The present form is formed by adding the marker -vat to the -ma infinitive stem. There are no personal endings.
õppi/ma, õppida, õpin > ma, sa, ta jne õppi/vat ('(supposedly) learns')

The quotative indicates an action or situation, about the reality of which the speaker is not certain. The quotative is often used to convey information acquired from a third person. E.g. Vanaema olevat haige. ('Grandmother is supposed to be sick')

The perfect form of the quotative is formed similarly to the perfect indicative and conditional: the verb olema with the quotative marker -vat plus the -nud participle of the verb.

õppima > ma olevat õppi/nud
ma, sa, ta, me, te, nad olevat õppi/nud
E.g. Ta olevat kuulsaks saanud.

The negative form of the perfect quotative: ei + olevat + -nud participle. E.g. Me ei olevat temaga varem kohtunud.