Gr 9.2 Määrsõna. Adverb
Kirjeldus, näpunäited ja õpetus


Locative Adverbs or Adverbs of Place

Locative adverbs indicate spatial relations. They are declined in the three locative cases.

Locative adverbs answer the questions where to?, where? or where from? E.g. Me ei saa sinna minna. Sa oled veel sealSealt tuleb kaks inimest.
The three cases are not distinguished in: tagasi, edasi, etc.

 Temporal Adverbs or Adverbs of Time

Temporal adverbs answer the questions when? (for) how long? how often? for what time? E.g homme, täna, eile, ammu ('long ago'), sageli/tihti ('often'), harva ('seldom').
E.g. Me pole kaua kohtunud. Varsti sõidame maale.

 Adverbs of Manner and Condition

Adverbs of manner and condition answer the questions how? in what way? in what condition?
hästi, halvasti, ilusti, salaja, vaikselt, lõbusalt, kurvalt ('well, badly, nicely, in secret, quietly, happily, sadly'

E.g. Ta lamas vaikselt. Laps naeris lõbusalt.

 Adverbs of Quantity and Degree

Adverbs of quantity and degree answer the questions how much? to what extent? kolmekesi, üksinda, natuke, palju, väga, võrdlemisi/üsna ('three of us, alone, a little, a lot, very, rather')
E.g. Lapse riided olid väga määrdunud. Nad tahavad olla kahekesi.