Exercise 3
Kirjeldus, näpunäited ja õpetus

Estonians are crazy about the sauna and they have many proverbs about it. Read them and try to find the translation!

Saun ilma vihata on nagu supp ilma soolata.arrow
Sobiv vaste
Saun on vaese inimese tohter (=arst).arrow
Sobiv vaste
Saunaleil on parem kui soe sai.arrow
Sobiv vaste
Parem õhtu söömata kui saunas käimata.arrow
Sobiv vaste
Saunalaval sünnivad kõige paremad mõtted (=ideed).arrow
Sobiv vaste

The best ideas born in the sauna.
Sauna without a bunch is like soup without the salt.
Steam is better than warm bread.
Better evening without the food than without the sauna.
Sauna is pure man's doctor.